We are pleased to announce our return to Europe to play these three special festivals and a short run supporting doom legends Saint Vitus! We are also stoked to have our friends Heads. and EARTH SHIP join us for the Leipzig and Dresden dates!
Following on from this tour we will enter Orgone Studios to begin work on our next album with acclaimed producer/mixer Jaime Gomez Arellano (Paradise Lost, Solstafir, Myrkur, Altar of Plagues, Oranssi Pazuzu, etc)
Artwork by Johnny Doe
Here are the dates, do not miss these shows!
Doomstar Bookings presents:
26.4 Rotterdam, V11 Baroeg presenteert The Shape of Punk to Come: Telepathy in V11 Tix:https://bit.ly/2WK0ZqF
27.4 Hamburg, Droneburg 9Droneburg Festival "Hamburg is Droneburg"
28.4 Leipzig, NAUMANNs Leipzig w/ support from Heads., & EARTH SHIP
30.4 Fribourg, Fri-Son w/ Saint Vitus Tix: https://bit.ly/2DWM8SA
1.5 Milan, Circolo Magnolia w/ Saint Vitus & Dopelord Tix: https://bit.ly/2UKTHB4
2.5 Zurich, Dynamo Zürich (offiziell) w/ Saint Vitus Tix: https://bit.ly/2Tv3IlM
3.5 Dresden, AZ☆Conni USU Festival w/ Heads.& Earth Ship
4.5 Moers, VACUUMFESTVACUUMFEST 2019 Tix: http://bit.ly/VACUUMFEST2019_Tickets..
